Sunday, November 15, 2009

some people wait in line for jimmy choo's, i wait in line for books.

Twice a year, I get the privilege (thanks for my sister's amazing in-laws who have adopted me as one of their own) of attending an amazing Random House Publishing Co friends and family book sale. While for most people, this is a great deal as books work out to about $2 each, but for us and our hook up, we get a better deal. I don't want to get anyone in trouble, so I will leave out the details, but this year I ended up getting this entire box virtually for free.

All it cost me was spending 1 night in the burbs and waking up at 6 AM on a Saturday. I kid you not, 6 AM. This is also about the same time that people actually start lining up for this book sale. We got there just past 7, and we were already very far back in the line which meant the books were very picked over by the time we got in.

I can't tell you how great it felt to stay in Mississauga for the night. As much as I rip on it, it feels so nice to get out of the city, especially on a crazy friday night. My phone wouldn't stop buzzing and chiming of text messages asking if I was going out, so it felt PHENOMENAL to turn it off.

In true suburbian form, we had a roast beef dinner, complete with dessert, went for a walk in the park and drove to blockbuster (rented the worst movie in the ENTIRE WORLD: the ugly truth. NOTHING WAS GOOD ABOUT THAT MOVIE). I felt like I was in high school all over again, and it was pretty fantastic.

Something tells me once my sisters house is finished renos, they won't have a hard time luring me out into the west end to have a little getaway from the downtown insanity. Especially when they have this peaceful, amazing backyard.


Anonymous said...

My parents live in Brampton, and man do I rip on that place every chance I get, but every so often I spend the night to give myself a mini vacation from the city. A change of scenery is the perfect way to relax and recharge, even if it is on a cul de sac.