Ok. First? This coral is most definitely not coy. It is loud, and obnoxious, and not in a fun I-just-did-a-few-shots-of-tequila way. Coral normally looks great on me, and I absolutely love the MAC coral stain, but this is more orangey than coral, and makes my newly crest white stripped teeth look like I've been a chain-smoker my whole life.
And that's not even the worst part. I envisioned that it would be a soft brush, like every other lip application tool out there. It is a felt marker tip. I instantly had flashbacks to when I was 7 years old and I would accidentally on purpose get Mr.Sketch markets all over my lips. It smelled good, ok?
I guess the one positive thing about it is that it is indeed a stain. I have had a little puff puff, had a glass of wine, and have washed my face and the stuff still has not come off my lips. It does, however, look like I am a 4 year old at a soccer tournament who just drank a lot of McDonalds orange drink.
The number of uses I predict I'm going to get out of it? 3.