Monday, December 28, 2009

02 01 2010

A bit of change coming up in my life on this day. I move into a new apartment, much bigger and better than the shoebox I currently call home. Beyond my move, there is an even more important move happening on that day. He is finally moving to California.

After the many conversations, threats to my heart, etc etc, it is finally happening. I uncovered this after a drunken encounter with his good friend, in which said friend decided to be a total sleaze and try and put his hand up my skirt. This happens to me on a regular basis, where, for some reason when wearing dresses it seems to be interpreted as a call for hand up skirt. I'm wearing tights for christ's sake. Sleaze-bag. It was definitely unnecessary for me to email him after this encounter to tell him his friend is a dirtbag that I will never sleep with. This was after my work holiday party, and 239208 too many shots of whiskey, so who can blame me. However, what this did was open the flood gates of communication with him again. It was nice. We emailed back and forth all of Saturday night, and it was comforting to hear what was going on in his life at that time. Including the wee bit of news that he was finally moving. The timing couldn't be better.

Things with Crooked Star are going quite well, and this might finally be my chance to get over him finally and forever and be with someone else, without the worry of going back to him as always. It's a shame it takes someone leaving the country to forget about them, but it's also damn convenient. Never will I ever have that feeling in my heart, stomach, throat, toes, when you have the dreaded run in. Even worse, with someone else, a very pretty (yet bimbo-y) someone else.

What ever will I blog about once he is gone?