Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Mo Matches the Drapes

The Movember Gala was Thursday night, and it is the only type of thing that could get me to go to the atrocity that is the "Guvernment" nightclub (they are so witty without that admired o).

I wore a blonde moustache, I creeped out the creeps. Fun times were had all around.

got something on your lip there..

me and my colleagues with the trashy classy canadian club ladies
me and my colleague, who is awesome.

This girl wants to paint me with a moustache. i still am unsure how i feel about that. she also won miss movember. but hadn't fundraised. i'm bitter.

FREDDAY. I had a crush on the taller guy on the right.. i should have went to the drake with you hot Freddie.

funny but boring.

bad ass.

I just noticed now he crossed off "GO Boatmen" and changed it to "MO Boatmen". I now think they are cool.

It says "Hot Chicks Free Average Girls $1.00".. it is funny when below average guys diss average girls. who are you?

I had to go on stage because I was nominated and ROBBED of the miss movember title. I don't know about you guys, but it was way louder, but the aussie hated me. He also introduced me as "curtain matches the drapes".. MOUSTACHE. MOUSTACHE. curtain and drapes are the same thing.

I was ok with these two winning. liked them.


Amazing social experiment. That is all, there is no mo.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

i feel like i just broke up

But instead of it being my boyfriend, it was with my city. I've met someone else, I don't love you anymore.

the arrival gate

Everyone has those moments, some more than others, where it hits you that you may not be as happily single as you thought. The arrival gate at the airport for me will continue to be one of those moments for me. I travel often, have become quite close with that gate, and every time I feel some sort of longing, sadness, when I walk through those doors only to be greeted by eyes that are looking for someone else. None of them are there for me. No one with flowers, no one to run over to me to tell me they missed me and are glad I am home. In normal day to day I feel fantastic, but there are always those moments that exist to remind you of what you might be missing.

about to get responsible

I try to never ever talk about work on here, as to not be made an example of and become yet another blogger who gets canned for, well, blogging.. but I can at least say this: I got a promotion. I feel completely honoured, humbled, and overall very excited to have this enormous opportunity this early in my career. It is truly amazing having the faith of upper management, and I will do anything and everything in my power not to let them down.

Monday, November 16, 2009

go go go go go gooo



Also, some big stuff happened for me, but I can't quite talk about it yet... YET. Exciting though.



Sunday, November 15, 2009

some people wait in line for jimmy choo's, i wait in line for books.

Twice a year, I get the privilege (thanks for my sister's amazing in-laws who have adopted me as one of their own) of attending an amazing Random House Publishing Co friends and family book sale. While for most people, this is a great deal as books work out to about $2 each, but for us and our hook up, we get a better deal. I don't want to get anyone in trouble, so I will leave out the details, but this year I ended up getting this entire box virtually for free.

All it cost me was spending 1 night in the burbs and waking up at 6 AM on a Saturday. I kid you not, 6 AM. This is also about the same time that people actually start lining up for this book sale. We got there just past 7, and we were already very far back in the line which meant the books were very picked over by the time we got in.

I can't tell you how great it felt to stay in Mississauga for the night. As much as I rip on it, it feels so nice to get out of the city, especially on a crazy friday night. My phone wouldn't stop buzzing and chiming of text messages asking if I was going out, so it felt PHENOMENAL to turn it off.

In true suburbian form, we had a roast beef dinner, complete with dessert, went for a walk in the park and drove to blockbuster (rented the worst movie in the ENTIRE WORLD: the ugly truth. NOTHING WAS GOOD ABOUT THAT MOVIE). I felt like I was in high school all over again, and it was pretty fantastic.

Something tells me once my sisters house is finished renos, they won't have a hard time luring me out into the west end to have a little getaway from the downtown insanity. Especially when they have this peaceful, amazing backyard.

me and wine are getting a divorce.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

she bangs she bangs

This is how i feel about my own trimming that i did to my bangs.

Y/N.. waiting for your bangs to grow out is the most painful fashion moment ever?


My necklace however..

Is four dollars and eighty cents worth of GLORY.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i wear high heels, she wears sneakers

I downloaded Taylor Swift. What is going on in the world?

another day, another email

and this is how it all starts up again. after my second beer last night, and awful date, i had to email him back. and he emailed me back. the vicious cycle begins again. this time, i'm taking the reigns. deleting the email, deleting him. isn't it funny how we actually have to "delete" people from our lives now? it's not enough to stop speaking to them, or seeing them, they have email, facebook feeds, even twitter as methods to haunt you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

good morning

woke up to an email from him. even just a small hello, good morning, how are you, hits me like a ton of bricks.

Betty Crockpot

The chicken is sitting ready to cook slowly in my new crockpot tomorrow am.

Why do I still feel like I might burn down the house? Oh, that's right. Because I almost did last wednesday when I smoked sheesha with the 18 year old neighbours while my dinner was cooking.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I'm just not that into you

After some apres work drinkies with some of my coworkers to celebrate a new sales guy popping-his-sales-cherry, I went on a date. I already was not into it to begin with, had postponed a date for weeks and weeks. Finally, I just did it to get it over with and to carry on. I show up three sheets to the wind, and had already postponed the date from 7:30 to 8, but show up at 8:15 knowing that he has to leave by 9.

He was wearing a pukka shell necklace, and had neglected to tame his eyebrows. Drunk goggles couldn't even save him.

Such a contrast to a fantastic date on Thursday. I am still seeking a distraction from Thursday date, as to not get ahead of myself and not get too excited. That never ends up well for me, but I can say that Thursday's date is someone I could see myself eventually getting excited about. We'll see. Play it cool. Play it cool.

The important question for me to ask myself is are all these dates really just a distraction from him?

At least none of these dates knew him, unlike the last one. Every time he mentioned his name, talking about how his dad was his professor, all I wanted to do was be on a date with him instead.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November is the new January

So today tomorrow I start my new years resolution (for lack of a better term), but only now instead of in January. The last few weeks I have been eating like complete shit (so much junk, so much takeout, more mcdonalds than I have in the last 2 years combined), and have rarely worked out (I even missed floor hockey when I was sick). I need to get back into a healthy routine again. I was doing so well, but really have let it slip, and I think I've gained about 5 lbs already.

Tomorrow I am going to buy a crockpot and go for a jog after work. I will not drink beer at the Monsters of Folk show I am going to at Massey Hall.

If you haven't listened to them, or even heard of them, they are a supergroup composed of Conor Oberst (Bright Eyes), Jim James (My Morning Jacket), M Ward (M Ward/ She and Him), and some other dude who is a producer, who I really don't care about.

Temazcal is my fav song.

That is all. A zombie ate my brains last night.