Tuesday, January 5, 2010

25 things about me

Remember this thing that went around Facebook? Well, I think its a pretty accurate description of myself, so I thought I would share it with you non facebook folk. When I was on Plenty of Fish for all of 3 days (I was sick with swine flu and bored.. and rebounding..it was way too time consuming, and most of the guys were pretty brutskis..), this is what I posted for my profile.

1. I can rap almost all tupac songs. when my dog was hit by a car when I was 11, i cried to tupac "life goes on". how many brothers fall victim to the street, rest in peace young nigga theres a heaven for a g. it'd be a lie, if i told you that i never thought of death, my niggas we the last ones left.

2. I LOVED having braces, and still to this day think it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Or at least that I made happen to me.

3. I have never seen Star Wars, but yet I can program computers.

4. Fake Plastic Trees is the song I want played at my funeral, acoustic. I also decided to share this with the stranger standing next to me at Outside Lands while it was playing. He thought I was weird.

5. When I was about 10, I sold Canadian chocolate bars to the US through the internet (before ebay) and made thousands of dollars doing so. Lucrative business.

6. Popcorn is my favourite snack ever. With taco seasoning and melted butter. Mmm.

7. I have an addictive personality. I will become obsessed with something for a short period of time, and once I feel I have "mastered" it, I move on to the next thing. However, this rule has not applied to the Vancouver Canucks, and number 6 above. It does apply to basketball (gary payton and shawn kemp), final fantasy (the RPG game), etc.

8. I am the most insecure, secure person you will ever meet. Or maybe secure insecure person. Either way, I have recently become so self aware that it is almost to a fault.

9. I think more people need to become self aware.

10. I like to make homemade popsicles, but as just plain ice. I also love to eat ice cubes, and snowcones without the syrup. And snow.

11. I LOVE products, but have very little makeup. I pretty much have a shoppers drug mart worth of shampoo, mosturizer, toothpaste, facewash, handsoap etc... but when it comes to actual makeup, I have very few items.

12. I realized (shockingly) that I very well could be a hopeless romantic.

13. My idea of romance is extremely different than the social norm. Romance for me is more like watching a hockey game, going skiing, having a good conversation, dancing like fools, or getting drunk. Regular romance, like poetry, confession of love, slow dancing while aimlessly staring into each others eyes; basically anything they do on the bachelor, freaks me out and gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. Less cheese, more wine.

14. I LOVE TV. and it makes me feel bad when all the cool people talk about not having cable, and i feel embarrassed.

15. I am completely obsessed with board games. Catan. Scrabble. Risk. It's the way to my heart.

16. I stopped liking a boy because he was bad at Catan.

17. I stopped liking a boy because he was bad at Scrabble.

18. I still miss courtney every single day. 12/18/2002. I love you soulmate.

19. Because of 18, I put so much emphasis on friendships and I love my friends almost to creepy amounts.

20. Because of 19, I take it personally when people are flakey.

21. I never watched the show Friends when it was on, but now that its on too often, I watch it ALL. THE. TIME. I laugh outloud by myself, and it always cheers me up.

22. After 21, I feel like I need to redeem myself, shows-wise. I LOVE Dexter, Arrested Development, 30 rock, the wire, lost, peep show, the office uk, weeds, Calfornication.

23. My eyes change daily from green to blue and back.

24. I like being blonde, only for the fact that people automatically think I'm an idiot and underestimate me.

25. Surprisingly, this was really hard for me to write this much about myself. I thought I was so much more narcissistic than this! How dissapointing!!


Ben said...

I loved those questionnaire thingies... I would always fill them out and send them to my friends... only a few would ever respond. Wonder what that says about them... probably those insecure/secure people.